What Is A Statute of Limitations?
The Statute of Limitations is an artificial time period that a person has to file a lawsuit after events giving rise to the case. Statutes of Limitations are created by the legislature and are arbitrary deadlines that must be followed in order to protect your rights. If your case is not filed in Court within these time limits you can forever lose your right to make your claim. The determination of a Statute of Limitations can be tricky and there may be exceptions to the time periods given for some. Accordingly, it is important to have an attorney promptly review your case and advise you as to a Statute of Limitations along with the other aspects of a potential case.
If you believe you have an accident claim contact us for a fee evaluation. Our law office reviews cases throughout the State of Vermont – in Manchester, Bennington, Rutland, Burlington, Woodstock, St. Albans, Brattleboro, Montpelier, Woodford, Springfield, Wilmington, the Northeast Kingdom and anywhere else where there is jurisdiction in the State of Vermont.
If you believe you have an accident claim contact us for a free evaluation – if we take your case, we don’t get unless we get money for you!
©Winburn Law Offices
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